We encourage the right type of industrial development.
Oak Ridgers for Responsible Development (OR4RD) is a grass-roots community non-profit dedicated to helping Oak Ridge grow its industrial base within the framework of the City’s business- and family-oriented character, guided by the Oak Ridge Blueprint (http://oakridgeblueprint.info/).
Oak Ridge is the home of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a premier high-tech research institution, and the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Y-12 Plant. Numerous other technological firms are also located here. Oak Ridger’s possess the skills and knowledge needed to help technology firms grow their businesses here.
Our specific aims are to:
• Promote industrial development that is beneficial to, and harmonious with, the character of Oak Ridge; oppose ill-considered industrial development or industrial development that does not adequately benefit the city or its residents
• Advocate for industrial development by encouraging city and IDB marketing outreach.
• Provide grass-roots input and commentary to Oak Ridge City Council, City government leaders, Chamber of Commerce, and the Industrial Development Board with regard to the direction, resources, and types of businesses that would best suit our city;
• Provide information, and if requested, assistance to businesses interested in locating in Oak Ridge;
• Preserve the quiet, peaceful natural environments of our neighborhoods and our outdoor recreational spaces.
We believe that Industry, Residents, and Nature can coexist. We are interested in achieving these goals:
Attracting professional buildings (offices, laboratories, research facilities) and light, non-polluting industries
Adding thousand+ full-time, quality jobs in Oak Ridge
Minimizing environmental and ecological impacts
Consistent with land use zoning and covenants
In harmony with the goals and philosophy of the Oak Ridge Blueprint (http://oakridgeblueprint.info/)
Useful links
The Oak Ridge City Blueprint - http://oakridgeblueprint.info/
Industrial Development Board - http://oridb.net/
Chamber of Commerce - https://www.oakridgechamber.org/
Tennessee Economic Development Council - https://www.tnedc.com/
Tennessee Valley Authority Economic Development - https://www.tva.com/economic-development