Oak Ridgers for Responsible Development (OR4RD) is a group of interested and involved citizens in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, that advocates for our city’s residents by evaluating whether development proposals for public properties will create high-paying and good quality jobs, protect our natural assets, align with our city Blueprint, and positively impact the quality of life in Oak Ridge.

OR4RD is a nonprofit corporation for public benefit. Responsible development means the management of human relationships with the natural environment so that economic, social and cultural needs are met and ecological processes and natural diversity are maintained.

There are two ongoing developments in Oak Ridge which we are looking into. One is the proposed airport at K-25. The other is the proposed development of ED-6, currently a natural area with trails near Wisconsin Avenue on the west side of Oak Ridge.

Proposed Oak Ridge Airport

We are looking into the proposed general aviation airport at K-25, see letter to council and the assessment of the BCA (Benefit Cost Analysis). The attraction is that the state and federal government have grants available to help build the airport. It is not clear, however, if this covers all the construction cost and what the burdens on and benefits for the residents will be. Roane County has also started to look into the proposed airport after indirectly learning of Oak Ridge City’s plans and formed the AD-HOC OAK RIDGE AIRPORT COMMITTEE, see Roane County Committees and Roane County Government Commissions.

We have four reports available looking at the airport and the Heritage Center:

  1. Analysis of Proposed Oak Ridge Airport Financials Using the Preliminary Financial Report presented by R. A. Weidemann & Associates. This analysis goes over the City financed study of the airport and concludes that a more in depth study is needed to see if the airport truly is the best use of land and can contribute to the welfare of Oak Ridge. The analysis ends by proposing that the City of Oak Ridge join with Roane and Anderson counties to discuss the best use of the Heritage Center for all stakeholders and including residents.

  2. Optimizing Economic Development by Exploring Land Use Alternatives. This report discusses from an economical point of view how to evaluate what the best uses are for the land available at the Heritage Center.

  3. The Independent Review of the proposed airport. This report discusses the financial aspects of the airport such as who benefits and who pays but also the justification by the airport proponents, the environmental impact, and who are the identified stakeholders and many more issues.

  4. An Alternative to the proposed Oak Ridge Airport. This report discusses other ways, lower cost, the same goals can be achieved. We feel the responsible development should include a review of the needs and opportunities of the underlying goals and show these in the report. Only then one can responsibly propose development.

We have sent a letter to the City asking for clarification and due diligence. For the City to make a speculative investment in the airport, it means committing to a potential airport operational budget shortfall for many years. The City must have its ducks on a row and keep its residents informed to reach consensus. We have a webpage on the airport where we collect information, opinions, and analyses.

ED-6 Development

OR4RD supports completing a comprehensive plan for the city that includes a determination on the best use(s) of ED-6. It is our belief that its greatest long-term value is as an attractive recreational green space for the western section of Oak Ridge. As such better access to the green space is recommended. We believe it will enhance the quality of life for city residents, be attractive to firms, and encourage employees of those firms to reside in Oak Ridge. We also believe that most commercial development is best placed farther westward on the Turnpike in the vicinity of the Horizon Center as a more compatible land use. This leaves open the possibility of locating a new elementary school along the turnpike away from TVA’s high voltage power lines.

The historical background is described in this document here with info on the proposed development here. Our position is further explained is here.

Previously we fought to keep the Horizon Center for Industrial Development: see Successes